Dubhbruja Flatcoats

Clocktower Mr Robinson


Date of birth - 20 June 2017

Meet the very handsome Reiker, the new addition to our pack and our new stud boy. Reiker comes to us from a kennel down country, we did a bloodline exchange and he came to us in August 2017. Funnily enough he was born on the same date as our wonderful old boy Murdoch, that's got to be a sign from the gods that he was meant for us eh?

Reiker is a really good chunky boy, nice mover with a wonderful dark coat and he's also a wonderful gentle boy, calm for a flatty and ridiculously affectionate, a total big soft lump (he's also much less excitable than Lincoln, doesn't knock me over at all!).

He slotted right into the pack with the rest with barely any one taking any notice. He likes to think he is Lincolns wing man and plays with him allot, in fact Reiker is liked by all the pack and romps around with youngsters and the older boys and girl alike. He and Pippin play by dragging each other around although he does have the weight advantage! He's quite happy to be jumped on and rolled around by the girls when they are playing and takes it all with good grace.

We look forward to welcoming puppies fathered by Reiker in due course and I'm sure they will be just as wonderful as he is.

Born 20/06/2017
Eye test : Grade 0
Hip Score - 8:4

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